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Jangra K, Paliwal S, Tripathi M. COVID-19 and Neurosurgery: Time for Triage. J Neuroanaesthesiol Crit Care 2020;7:67–69.
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Keshav K, Kumar A, Sharma P, Baghel A, Mishra P, Huda N, et al. How much has COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Indian Orthopaedic Practice? Results of an Online Survey. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics (2020).
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Bansal H, Karpe A, Mittal S,Trikha V. Amid COVID-19 pandemic—an innovative use of local resources to substitute the need for specialized operation theatre tables for orthopaedic and trauma surgery. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) (2020). |
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Sawhney C, Singh Y, Jain K, Sawhney R, Trikha A. Trauma care and COVID-19 pandemic. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2020;36, Suppl S1:115-20.
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Sahu D, Agrawal T, Rathod V, Bagaria V. Impact of COVID 19 lockdown on orthopaedic surgeons in India: A survey. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2020 May 12.
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Goyal N, Venkataram T, Singh V, Chaturvedi J. Collateral damage caused by COVID-19: Change in volume and spectrum of neurosurgery patients. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2020(80) 156-161.
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Deora H, Mishra S, Tripathi M, Garg K, Tandon V, Borkar S, et al. Adapting neurosurgery practice during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Indian subcontinent. World neurosurgery. 2020 Jul 15.
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Dubey S, Azam MQ, Nongdamba H, Sarkar B, Agrahari H. Orthopaedic trauma during ongoing COVID 19 pandemic: Challenges and lessons learnt in a level I trauma center. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2020; 6(3): 355-358.
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Jain VK, Lal H, Patralekh MK, Vaishya R. Fracture management during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2020 Jul 1;11:S431-41.
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Dabas V, Bhatia N, Goel A, Yadav V, Bajaj V, Kumar V, et al. Management of Orthopaedic Accidental Emergencies Amidst COVID- 19 Pandemic: Our Experience in Preparing to Live with Corona. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020 Sep 10:1-6.
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Gupta R, Gupta R. Change in spectrum of hand injuries during COVID-19 lockdown period: Increase in mixer grinder and domestic violence related injuries in lieu of trauma sustained in outdoor activities. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 72(2);65-70.
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Antariksh W; Sandeep S; Swapnil. Effect of covid-19 lockdown in trauma cases of rural Iindia. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. ; Special Issue 1(11): 365-368, 20200311.
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Gopinathan NR, Sharma S, Rangasamy KS, Dhillon MS. COVID 19: Should we consider universal screening in trauma patients? Injury; 2020; 51(8);1942.
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Maryada VR, Mulpur P, Guravareddy AV, Pedamallu SK, Bhasker BV. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Orthopaedic Trauma Volumes: a Multi-Centre Perspective From the State of Telangana. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics (2020). 2020 Aug 13:1-6.
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Bapaye MM, Nair AG, Mangulkar PP, Bapaye CM, Bapaye MM. Resurgence of “bow and arrow” related ocular trauma: Collateral damage arising from COVID-19 lockdown in India? Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2020 Jun 1;68(6):1222.
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Dhillon MS, Kumar D, Saini UC, Bhayana H, Gopinathan NR, Aggarwal S. Changing Pattern of Orthopaedic Trauma Admissions During COVID- 19 Pandemic: Experience at a Tertiary Trauma Centre in India. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics (2020)
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Iyengar KP, Jain VK, Vaish A, Vaishya R, Maini L, Lal H, et al. Post COVID-19: Planning strategies to resume orthopaedic surgery– challenges and considerations. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2020 May 4.
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Jain VK, Vaishya R. COVID-19 and orthopaedic surgeons: the Indian scenario. Tropical Doctor;2020;50(2);108-110
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Banerjee N, Bagaria D, Agarwal H. COVID 19 and surgery- how this pandemic is changing the way we operate. Br J Surg. 2020 Jul 24;.
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Kaur S, Kumar V, Ghoshal S, Banerjee N, Sagar S. Trauma care in the times of COVID. Br J Surg. 2020 Aug 25;