
Sl No. Publication
1 Narayanan R, Kumar S, Gupta A, Bansal VK, Sagar S, Singhal M et al. An Analysis of Presentation, Pattern and Outcome of Chest Trauma Patients at an Urban Level 1 Trauma Center. Indian J Surg 2018 Feb;80(1):36-41
2 Harde M, Aditya G, Dave S. Prediction of outcomes in chest trauma patients using chest trauma scoring system: A prospective observational study Indian J Anaesth. 2019 Mar; 63(3): 194–199
3 Shukla V, Pandey M, Sahu SK, Singh A, Khare A, Jeswani M, Bisen J, et al. Clinicoepidemiological Study of Traumatic Chest Injuries in a Tertiary Care Center. International Journal of Scientific Study, February 2020, Vol 8, Issue 2.
4 Datey S, Tayagi A, Charles N, Lazarus A. Study of clinical profile and outcome of 216 victims of chest trauma in tertiary care centre of central India. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences November 2015.
5 Sharma P, Jakhmola CK. Presentation and Outcome of Thoracic Injuries at a Tertiary Care Service Hospital. International Journal of Scientific Study, January 2018, Vol 5, Issue 10
6 Khursheed SQ, Ashraf W, Rather AA, Bari-Ul-S. Clinical profile and outcome of chest trauma: a four year retrospective analysis at a tertiary care centre. International Surgery Journal, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 7, p. 2519-2524, June 2019.
7 Kundal VK, Debnath PR. Pediatric thoracoabdominal trauma: Experience from a tertiary care Center. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Year : 2019, Volume : 24, Issue : 4, Page : 264-270
8 Mehrotra AK, Feroz A, Dawar S. Diaphragmatic rupture precipitated by intercostal chest tube drainage in a patient of blunt thoraco-abdominal trauma. Lung India, Year : 2016, Volume : 33, Issue : 1, Page : 85-87
9 Agnihotri AK, Agarwal A. Assessment of Profile of Fatal Thoracic Injuries in Road Side Accidents Victims. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Vol. 13 No. 4 (2019)
10 Mishra SP, Mishra M, Bano N, Saudi MZH. Management of traumatic flail chest in intensive care unit: An experience from trauma center ICU. Journal of Anaesthesia; Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 3, Page: 179-183
11 Kasabe PS, Jaykar R, Patil PL. Clinical profile of chest injury a prospective observational study. Int Surg J. 2016 Aug;3(3):1372-1378
12 Ganguly T, Kar SK, Sen C, Bhattacharya C. Thoracic Gunshot Wound: A Report of 3 Cases and Review of Management. Journal of Universal Surgery; 2015 Vol. 3 No. 1:2
13 Gupta PD, Banga PK. Analysis of cases of chest trauma in known population: A clinical study. International Journal of Surgery Science 2019; 3(3): 29-30
14 Shah JV, Solanki MI. Analytic Study of Chest Injury. IJSS Journal of Surgery, January-February 2015, Volume 1, Issue 1
15 Iyer S, Singh M, Jathen V. Int Surg J. Study of epidemiology and outcome of chest trauma at an apex tertiary care trauma centre. 2018 Nov;5(11):3621-3626
16 Pal N, Mishra V, Jain U, Poonam. Pattern and management of penetrating and nonpenetrating thoracic injuries. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 Aug;7(8):3133-3137
17 Thokchom CS, Ilango DM. Management of Penetrating Chest Injury in a Tertiary Hospital in Northeast India. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e- Volume 18, Issue 12 Ser.10 (December. 2019), PP 37-40
18 Manay P, Satoskar RR, Karthik V, Prajapati RP. Studying morbidity and predicting mortality in patients with blunt chest trauma using a novel clinical score.J Emerg Trauma Shock 2017;10:128-33
19 Sharma K, Tated PS, Ashokrao A. Study of the pattern and management of blunt chest injuries in rural setup. Hatkar International Surgery Journal; Vol 4, No 10 (2017)
20 Reddy GK, Srinivas B, Pavani P. Chest injury due to blunt trauma. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 8, No 8 (2019)
21 Sharma S, Mishra B, Gupta A, Soni KD, Aggarwal R, Kumar S. Challenges in management of pediatric life-threatening neck and chest trauma. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 2018 Jan;23(1):10.
22 Bhattacharyya DK, Brahma RC. A clinical study of hemothorax following blunt thoracic trauma. Int J Health Res Medico Leg Prae 2019 July;5(2):66-70
23 Jena RK, Agrawal A, Sandeep Y, Shrikhande NN. Understanding of flail chest injuries and concepts in management. International Journal of Students’ Research. 2016 Jan 1;6(1):3.
24 Gupta A, Rattan A, Kumar S, Rathi V. Delayed Tension Pneumothorax–Identification and Treatment in Traumatic Bronchial Injury: An Interesting Presentation. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2017 Sep;11(9):PD12.
25 Mishra B, Joshi MK, Kumar S, Kumar A, Gupta A, Rattan A et al. Innocuous cardiac gunshot that proved fatal: A bitter lesson learned Chinese Journal of Traumatology. 2017 Apr 1;20(2):122-4.
26 Rattan A, Agarwal H, Kumar A. Traumatic Lung Hernia—a Rare Entity. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2019 Aug 1;81(4):407-8.
27 Bagaria V, Mathur P, Madan K, Kumari M, Sagar S, Gupta A et al. Predicting Outcomes After Blunt Chest Trauma—Utility of Thoracic Trauma Severity Score, Cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and TNF-α), and Biomarkers (vWF and CC-16). Indian Journal of Surgery. 2020 Jun 11:1-7.
28 Anbarasu A, Khajanchi M. Pneumocephalus following thoracic trauma: a rare entity along the carotid sheath. ANZ J Surg. 2018 Apr;88(4):382-383. doi: 10.1111/ans.13388. Epub 2015 Dec 3
29 Mishra B, Joshi MK, Rattan A, Kumar S, Gupta A, Sagar S, et al. Pneumopericardium. Bulletin of Emergency & Trauma 2016 Oct 1;4(4), 250-1