Musculosketal injuries and amputations

Sl No. Publication
1 Katiyar AK, Agarwal H, Priyadarshini P, Kumar A, Kumar S, Gupta A, et al. Primary vs delayed primary closure in patients undergoing lower limb amputation following trauma: A randomised control study. International Wound Journal. 2020 Apr;17(2):419-28.
2 Devendra A, Velmurugesan PS, Dheenadhayalan J, Venkatramani H, Sabapathy SR, Rajasekaran S, et al. One-Bone Forearm Reconstruction: A Salvage Solution for the Forearm with Massive Bone Loss. JBJS. 2019 Aug 7;101(15):e74.
3 Sharma GR, Kumar V, Kanojia RK, Vaiphei K, Kansal R. Fast and slow myosin as markers of muscle regeneration in mangled extremities: a pilot study. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. 2019 Oct 1;29(7):1539-47.
4 Kumar RS, Singhi PK, Chidambaram M. Are We Justified Doing Salvage or Amputation Procedure Based on Mangled Extremity Severity Score in Mangled Upper Extremity Injury. Journal of orthopaedic case reports. 2017 Jan;7(1):3.
5 Kansal R, Kanojia RK, Kumar V, Vaiphei K, Dhillon MS. Role of PAX-7 as a tissue marker in mangled extremity: a pilot study. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. 2019 Jul 1;29(5):1131-40.
6 Jain S, Rajan S, Srivastava A. Severely comminuted radius fracture presenting as a signature patterned injury. Indian journal of orthopaedics. 2016 Apr;50:213-7.
7 Venkatadass K, Grandhi TS, Rajasekaran S. Use of Ganga Hospital Open Injury Severity Scoring for determination of salvage versus amputation in open type IIIB injuries of lower limbs in children-An analysis of 52 type IIIB open fractures. Injury. 2017 Nov 1;48(11):2509-14.Venkatadass K, Grandhi TS, Rajasekaran S. Use of Ganga Hospital Open Injury Severity Scoring for determination of salvage versus amputation in open type IIIB injuries of lower limbs in children-An analysis of 52 type IIIB open fractures. Injury. 2017 Nov 1;48(11):2509-14.
8 Gupta A, Parikh S, Rajasekaran RB, Dheenadhayalan J, Devendra A, Rajasekaran S, et al. Comparing the performance of different open injury scores in predicting salvage and amputation in type IIIB open tibia fractures. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 44, 1797–1804 (2020).
9 Dhillon M, Khurana A, Prabhakar S, Sharma S. Crush Fractures of the Anterior end of Calcaneum. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2018 Jun;52:244-52.
10 Khan MM, Cheruvu VP, Krishna D, Laitonjam M, Minz R, Joshi R. Post-traumatic wounds over the dorsum of the foot - our experience. International Journal of Burns and Trauma. 2020;10(4):137.
11 Shankar P, Grewal VS, Agrawal S, Nair SV. A study on quality of life among lower limb amputees at a tertiary prosthetic rehabilitation center. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 2020 Jan 1;76(1):89-94.
12 Yoon AP, Kaur S, Chou CH, Chung KC, Malay S, Shauver M, et al. Reliability and Validity of Upper Extremity Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Assessing Traumatic Finger Amputation Management. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020 Jan 1;145(1):94e-105e.
13 Saleem A, Sharma RK, Kumar P. Distraction Lengthening of First Metacarpal in Traumatic Thumb Amputations. Indian journal of plastic surgery: official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 2019 Sep;52(3):309.
14 Bhutani S, Bhutani J, Chhabra A, Uppal R. Living with Amputation: Anxiety and Depression Correlates. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2016 Sep;10(9):RC09.
15 Mehta S, Agrawal R, Chitikeshi S, Nandeeshwar DB. Rehabilitation of missing digit using customized attachment supported prosthesis. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2019 Jul 1;19(3):276.
16 Malik P, Gaba S, Ahuja C, Sharma RR, Sharma RK, Khandelwal N, et al. Role of Fat Graft Alone versus Enriched Fat Graft with Stromal Vascular Filtrate in Painful Amputation Stump. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2019 Jun;53:452-8.
17 Sasi PK, Mahapatra S, Pallapati R SC, Thomas BP. Acute Traumatic Musculotendinous Avulsion of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon Treated with Primary Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Transfer: A Novel Technique of Management. Case reports in orthopedics. 2016 Feb 25;2016.
18 Sahu A, Gupta R, Sagar S, Kumar M, Sagar R. A study of psychiatric comorbidity after traumatic limb amputation: A neglected entity. Industrial psychiatry journal. 2017 Jul;26(2):228.
19 Ahmad J, Gupta AK, Sharma VP, Kumar D, Yadav G, Singh S, et al. Traumatic amputations in children and adolescents: A demographic study from a tertiary care center in Northern India. Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine. 2016 Jan 1;9(4):265-9.
20 Jain A, Walker FS, Ugrappa S, Makkad S, Ugrappa VK. Three-part mould technique for fabrication of hollow thumb prosthesis: A case report. Prosthetics and orthotics international. 2016 Dec;40(6):756-62.
21 Agarwal V, Agarwal S, Singh A, Satani S, Goel S, Goyal P, et al. An evaluation of the clinical utility of mangled extremity severity score in severely injured lower limbs. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Agarwal V et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 May;4(5):1661-1665.
22 Anwer M, Banerjee N, Agarwal H, Kumar S. Compartment syndrome of the non-injured limb. BMJ Case Rep. 2020 Apr 9;13(4).
23 Sagar R, Sahu S, Sagar S. Psychological effects of amputation: A review of studies from India. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2017.