
Sl No. Publication
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2 Kumar A, Agarwal H, Gupta A, Sagar S, Banerjee N, Kumar S, et al. Imaging Modalities in Trauma and Emergency—a Review. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2020 Jun 20:1-1.
3 Kulkarni C, Mohite S, Meshram V. Unplanned Complex Suicide by Self-Stabbing and Rail Suicide: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2020 Mar;41(1):78-80.
4 Soni KD, Arasu T, Aggarwal R, Darlong V. A unique way of securing the tracheostomy tube in a case of facial and neck burns. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Jul-Sep;35(3):412-413.
5 Pentapati KC, Gadicherla S, Smriti K. Predictors of mortality, hospital utilization, and the role of race in outcomes in head and neck trauma-a commentary. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2016 Aug;122(2):258.
6 Singh B, Kumar A, Kaur A, Singla RL. Bullhorn Hernia: A Rare Traumatic Abdominal Wall Hernia. Nigerian Journal of Surgery Vol.21 No.1 (2015).
7 Mathuria S, Deep K, Singh V, Gupta P, Mani R, Lodhi M, et al. Abdominal herniation associated with bullhorn injury as a separate entity from traumatic abdominal wall hernias. J Res Med Sci. 2018; 23: 86.
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9 Bansal S, Vyas KC. Traumatic Abdominal Wall Hernia: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Surgery volume 77, pages193–194(2015).
10 Dharap SB, Ekhande SV. An observational study of incidence, risk factors & outcome of systemic inflammatory response & organ dysfunction following major trauma. Indian J Med Res. 2017 Sep;146(3):346-353.