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Barman MK, Maitra T, Biswas A, Mukherjee K, Venugopal PN. Epidemiology and Management of Urogenital Trauma: The 7-Years’ Experience at West Bengal, India. Inter J Public Health. 2014;1(2):66-9. |
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Khan TR, Khan RA. Genitourinary Injuries in Pediatric Blunt Trauma. In Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children 2018 (pp. 97-105). Springer, Singapore. |
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Srinath N, Sood R, Rana K, Madhusoodhanan P. Urinoma following blunt renal trauma. Medical Journal, Armed Forces India. 2000 Oct 1;56(4):344-6. |
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Nerli RB, Metgud T, Patil S, Guntaka A, Umashankar P, Hiremath M, et al. Severe renal injuries in children following blunt abdominal trauma: selective management and outcome. Pediatric surgery international. 2011 Nov 1;27(11):1213. |
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Prasad NH, Devraj R, Chandriah GR, Sagar SV, ChR R, Murthy PV, et al. Predictors of nephrectomy in high grade blunt renal trauma patients treated primarily with conservative intent. Indian Journal of Urology: IJU: Journal of the Urological Society of India. 2014 Apr 1;30(2):158-60. |
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Kumar BN, Akulwar AV. Renal artery injury in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Medical Journal, Armed Forces India. 2014 Nov 22;71(Suppl 1):S261- 3. |
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Deka PM, Rajeev TP. Blunt renal trauma-is non-operative management a viable option. Indian Journal of Urology. 2001 Jul 1;18(1):10. |
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Santhosh R, Barad AK, Ghalige HS, Sridartha K, Sharma B, et al. Perineal bull gore with urinary bladder perforation and pneumoperitoneum. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2013 May;7(5):902. |
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Singh L, Sharma PK. Managing urethral injuries in suburban India—general surgeon's perspective. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. 2012 Apr 1;68(2):159-64. |
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Dorairaj J, Sagili H, Rani R, Nanjundan P, Rajendran J, Ananthakrishnan R, et al. Delayed presentation of intraperitoneal bladder rupture following domestic violence in pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2012 Apr;38(4):753- 6. |
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Ramalingam M, Venkatesh V, Giridhar A. Laparoscopic Repair of Bladder Injuries. In Operative Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Reconstructive Urology 2017 (pp. 311-315). Springer, Cham. |
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Karim T, Topno M. Bedside sonography to diagnose bladder trauma in the emergency department. Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock. 2010 Jul 1;3(3):305. |
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Karim T, Topno M, Sharma V, Picardo R, Hastir A. Bladder injuries frequently missed in polytrauma patients. Open access journal of urology. 2010;2:63-5. |
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Kapoor R. Two-layer laparoscopic repair of intraperitoneal bladder rupture in blunt abdominal trauma: a case report with literature review. Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. 2012 Aug 1;22(4):e204-5. |
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Arumugam PK. Isolated intraperitoneal rupture of the urinary bladder following blunt trauma abdomen. International Surgery Journal. 2017 Apr 22;4(5):1822-4. |
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Dorairajan LN, Gupta H, Kumar S. Pelvic fracture-associated urethral injuries in girls: experience with primary repair. BJU international. 2004 Jul;94(1):134-6. |
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Philipraj SJ. Delayed repair is the ideal management for posterior urethral injuries-FOR the motion. Indian Journal of Urology: IJU: Journal of the Urological Society of India. 2010 Apr 1;26(2):305-9. |
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Joshi PM, Desai DJ, Shah D, Joshi D, Kulkarni SB. Injury in Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury Is Membranobulbar: Fact or Myth.Urology. 2017 Apr;102:e9-10. |
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Solanki FS, Hussain S, Sharma DB, Sharma D. Primary endoscopic realignment in female urethral injuries with pelvic fracture can reduce avoidable morbidity. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2013 Feb 1;75(1):31-3. |
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Joshi PM, Kulkarni SB. Management of pelvic fracture urethral injuries in the developing world. World Journal of Urology. 2019 Aug 29:1-8. |
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Mathur RK, Aggarwal H, Odiya S, Lubana PS. U‐shaped prostatobulbar anastomosis for urethral injury after pelvic trauma. ANZ journal of surgery. 2008 Jul;78(7):605-9. |
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Kulkarni SB, Barbagli G, Kulkarni JS, Romano G, Lazzeri M. Posterior urethral stricture after pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects in developing and developed countries, and choice of surgical technique. The Journal of urology. 2010 Mar 1;183(3):1049-54. |
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Desai RM, Sabnis RB, Bapat SD. A new outlook in the management of complex female urethral injuries. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia. 1993 Oct 1;46(8):749-51. |
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Nadarajah J, Baliyan V, Yadav AK, Kumar A, Gamanagatti S, Saini A, Gupta A, et al. Traumatic pseudoaneurysm of bulbourethral artery managed by coil embolization. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2015 Apr 1;77(1):140-2. |
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Shukla PK, Shukla V, Kumar S, Sharma V. Aetiology, Evaluation and Management of Penile Fracture: Experience at a Teaching Hospital in Central India.Pain.;23:88-46. |
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Manikandan R, Dorairajan LN, Kumar S. Current concepts in the management of pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects. |
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Singh RK, Kaushal D, Khattar N, Nayyar R, Manasa T, Sood R et al. Pediatric pelvic fracture urethral distraction defect causing complete urethrovaginal avulsion. Indian journal of urology: IJU: journal of the Urological Society of India. 2018;34(1):76-8. |
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Hemal A, Dorairajan L, Gupta N. Posttraumatic complete and partial loss of urethra with pelvic fracture in girls: an appraisal of management. The Journal of Urology. 2000 Jan 1;163(1):282-7. |
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Sekhon V, Kudchadkar SJ, Raj A, Ansari MS. Radiographic gapometry score: A simple predictor for surgical approach in pediatric traumatic posterior urethral strictures. Journal of pediatric urology. 2017 Dec 1;13(6):624-e1. |