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Rattan KN, Narang R, Rohilla S, Maggu S, Dhaulakhandi DB. Thirteen years’ experience of diaphragmatic injury in children from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak, India. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS. 2011 Jan;18(1):45. |
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Radjou AN, Balliga DK, Uthrapathy M, Pal R, Mahajan P. Injury to the diaphragm: Our experience in Union Head quarters Hospital. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science. 2013 Oct 1;3(4):256. |
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Gaine FA, Lone GN, Chowdhary MA, Lone H. The Etiology, Associated Injuries and Clinical Presentation of Post Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia. Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma. 2013 Apr 1;1(2):76-80. |
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Beg MH, Ansari MM, Mansoor T, Reyazuddin. Bilateral traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. Annals of tropical paediatrics. 1990 Jan 1;10(4):383-5. |
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Lal S, Kailasia Y, Chouhan S, Gaharwar AP, Shrivastava GP. Delayed presentation of post traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of surgical case reports. 2011 Jul 1;2011(7):6-. |
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Ahmad Ganie F, Lone GN, Chowdhary MA. The Characteristics and Surgical Approach in Post-Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Single Center Experience. Bulletin of Emergency & Trauma. 2013 Jul 1;1(3):108-11. |
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Kumar S, Pol M, Mishra B, Sagar S, Singhal M, Misra MC, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic injury: a marker of serious injury challenging trauma surgeons. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2015 Dec 1;77(2):666-9. |
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Nain PS, Singh K, Matta H, Parmar A, Gupta PK, Batta N, et al. Review of 9 cases of diaphragmatic injury following blunt trauma chest; 3 years experience. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2014 Aug 1;76(4):261-4. |
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Vempalli N, Konda SR, Kaeley N, Bhardwaj BB, Kumar S. Post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia: Diagnostic dilemma in primary care. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020 May 1;9(5):2555. |
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Khan TR, Rawat J, Maletha M, Singh S, Rashid KA, Wakhlu A, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries in children: do they really mark the severity of injury? Our experience. Pediatric surgery international. 2009 Jul 1;25(7):595-9. |
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Vyas PK, Godbole C, Bindroo SK, Mathur RS, Akula B, Doctor N, et al. Case-based discussion: an unusual manifestation of diaphragmatic hernia mimicking pneumothorax in an adult male. International journal of emergency medicine. 2016 Dec;9(1):1-5. |
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Sharma AK, Kothari SK, Gupta C, Menon P, Sharma A. Rupture of the right hemidiaphragm due to blunt trauma in children: a diagnostic dilemma. Pediatric surgery international. 2002 Mar 1;18(2-3):173-4. |
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Chandra A, Samantaray A, Balasubramani G, Sonawane R. Surgical management of diaphragmatic injuries. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2007 Sep 1;23(3):202-7. |