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Kumar A, Choudhary N, Ghoshal S, Agarwal H. Innocuous wound with occult central vascular injury: A case report. SAGE Open Med Case Rep. 2020 Jul 10;8:2050313X20940569. |
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Tiwari S, Garg PK, Khera PS, K B SB, Yadav T, Sureka B, et al. Delayed Spontaneous Thrombosis of Neglected Direct Carotid- Cavernous Fistula: A Case Report. Neurointervention. 2020 Jul;15(2):96-100. |
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Agarwal A, Yadav D, Gupta A, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Singh MB, et al. Delayed bilateral internal carotid artery dissection following motor vehicle accident: time to make its screening a part of trauma protocol? QJM. 2020 Sep 1;113(9):672-673. |
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Rattan A, Kataria R, Kumar A, Azam Q. Blunt carotid injury with thrombotic occlusion: Is an intervention always required for best outcome? Trauma Case Rep. 2019 Dec 5;24:100263. |
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Ahmad FM, Nanda SK, R S, Grewal DS. Rifled carotid: Internal carotid artery thrombosis from prolonged carrying of a military rifle. J R Army Med Corps. 2019 Dec;165(6):e2. |
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Kasturi N, Kumari P, Nagarajan G, Krishnan N. Post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula with bilateral proptosis simulating cavernous sinus thrombosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Mar 31;12(3):e227757. |
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Karna S, Jain M, Alam MS, Mukherjee B, Raman R. Carotid cavernous fistula with central retinal artery occlusion and Terson syndrome after mid-facial trauma. GMS Ophthalmol Cases. 2017 May 19;7:Doc12. |
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Patel HM, Banerjee S, Bulsara S, Sahu T, Sheorain VK, Grover T, et al. A Rare Entity: Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injury in a Patient with Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery. Ann Vasc Surg. 2017 May;41:280.e1-280.e5. |
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Sarkari A, Singh PK, Mahapatra AK. Lethal penetrating stab injury to the vertebral artery: A case report with review of literature. Asian J Neurosurg. 2016 Jul-Sep;11(3):317. |
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Mahalangikar R, Kumar A, Sharma BS. Transorbital Penetrating Intracranial Injury with an Umbrella Wire Causing Cavernous Internal Carotid Artery Injury and Thrombosis. World Neurosurg. 2016 Feb;86:513.e15-8. |
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Jain RS, Agrawal R, Kumar S, Gupta PK. Stroke after piercing barbed wire injury: a time for introspection. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 Apr;24(4):e97-e100. |
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Katiyar A, Kumar A, Kumar N, Kataria R, Sarkar B. A successful off-pump cardiac repair following blunt cardiac rupture- A case report. Trauma Case Rep. 2020 Jul 30;29:100344. |
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Sonwani NS, Ateriya N, Kumar A. Dying from haemorrhagic cardiac tamponade - a case series. Med Leg J. 2019 Dec;87(4):210-214. |
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Kumar R, Raja J, Munirathinam GK, Mishra AK, Singh RS, Thingnam SKS, et al. A case of traumatic thoracic aorta rupture - A life threatening emergency. J Cardiovasc Thorac Res. 2019;11(3):248-250. |
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Mohiyaddin S, Nanjaiah P, Saad AO, Acharya MN, Khan TA, Davies RH, et al. Suspended animation: the past, present and future of major cardiothoracic trauma. ANZ J Surg. 2018 Jul-Aug;88(7-8):678-682. |
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Gautam PL, Luthra N, Kaur M, Singh J, Wander GS, Tandon R, et al. Evaluation of Myocardial Injury using Standard Diagnostic Tools and Tissue Doppler Imaging in Blunt Trauma Chest. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Jun;11(6):OC33-OC36. |
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Kumar R, Rana SS, Kumar S, Das D, Datta M. Management of Accidental and Iatrogenic Foreign Body Injuries to Heart- Case Series. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Mar;11(3):PE01-PE04. |
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Singaravelu KP, Saya RP, Pandit VR. Early Diagnosis of Penetrating Cardiac and Pleural Injury by Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma. Heart Views. 2016 Oct-Dec;17(4):151-153. |
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Mishra B, Joshi MK, Kumar S, Kumar A, Gupta A, Rattan A, et al. Innocuous cardiac gunshot that proved fatal: A bitter lesson learned. Chin J Traumatol. 2017 Apr;20(2):122-124. |
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Mishra B, Gupta A, Sagar S, Singhal M, Kumar S. Traumatic cardiac injury: Experience from a level-1 trauma centre. Chin J Traumatol. 2016 Dec 1;19(6):333-336. |
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Pinni S, Kumar V, Dharap SB. Blunt Cardiac Rupture: A Diagnostic Challenge. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Nov;10(11):PD27-PD28. |
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Pol MM, Prasad KS, Deo V, Uniyal M. Penetrating cardiac injury: sustaining health by building team resilience in growing civilian violence. BMJ Case Rep. 2016 Sep 2;2016:bcr2016216293. |
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Pooniya S, Behera C, Mridha AR, Swain R. Cardiac rupture delayed for a week in an asymptomatic child following blunt trauma. Med Sci Law. 2016 Jul;56(3):217-20. |
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Gurmukhani S, Deora S, Shah S, Agrarwal V, Patel T. Acquired Gerbode defect due to penetrating cardiac trauma: a very rare presentation. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Mar;16(3):347. |
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Jayanth SH, Chandra G, Hugar BS. Aortic dissection complicated with haemothorax - an autopsy report. Med Leg J. 2015 Mar;83(1):40-2. |
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Vemuri NN, Narendra PL. Critical upper limb ischemia due to thrombus in the right subclavian artery: An uncommon complication of right internal jugular vein cannulation. Anesth Essays Res. 2015 Jan-Apr;9(1):101-4. |
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Bhaisora KS, Behari S, Godbole C, Phadke RV. Traumatic aneurysms of the intracranial and cervical vessels: A review. Neurol India. 2016 Mar-Apr;64 Suppl:S14-23. |